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The types of fittings, joints, and connections used by water distribution are strikingly similar to those used by waste drainage systems. In sanitary or waste drainage systems, fittings also vary according to the type of piping materials used; however, special mechanical seal adapters are available for joining different types of pipes, such as cast-iron soil pipes to vitrified clay, or vice versa. Some of the fittings commonly

Figure 8-14.-Common cast-iron soil pipe fittings.

used are shown in figure 8-14 and described below.

BENDS. The 1/16 bend (fig. 8-14, view A) is used to change the direction of cast-iron soil pipe 22 1/2. A 1/8 bend changes the direction 450. The direction is changed 90 in a close space when the SHORT-SWEEP 1/4 bend is used. The LONG-SWEEP 1/4 bend is used to change the direction 90 more gradually than a quarter bend. The REDUCING 1/4 bend changes the direction of the pipe gradually 90, and in the sweep portion, it reduces nearly one size.

TEES. Tees (fig. 8-14, view B) are used to connect branches to continuous lines. For connecting lines of different sizes, REDUCING tees are often used. The TEST tee is used in stack and waste installations where the vertical stack joins the horizontal sanitary sewer. It is installed at this point to allow the plumber to insert a test tee and fill the system with water while testing for leakage. The TAPPED tee is frequently used in the venting system where it is called the main vent tee. The SANITARY tee is commonly used in a main stack to allow the takeoff of a cast-iron pipe branch.

Western Governors University

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