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OPERATIONAL RECOVERY MEASURES-Radiological-defense actions taken in the operational recovery phase. The objective is the radiological recovery of the essential functions of the installation in order to resume the mission.

OPERATIONAL RECOVERY PHASE- The time-phase of action that immediately follows the emergency phase. This phase starts at the earliest practicable time and may last for weeks or months. In this phase, the military organization will have the objective of recovering the use of the essential functions of the installation as quickly as possible in order to resume the mission. This phase is the time period of primary concern in this manual.


PLOWING-A reclamation method. The plow turns the contaminated soil over, mixes contaminant with the soil, buries much of the contaminated soil under fresh soil, and thereby provides some earth shielding against the contaminant.

PROTECTION FACTOR (PF)-The ratio of the amount of radiation from fallout that wouId be received by an unprotected person outside a fallout shelter to the amount that he would receive inside that shelter. The PF, used exclusively as a measure of shelter effectiveness, is usually distinguished from the RN which is used exclusively as a measure of radiological countermeasure effectiveness. The PF may thus be a ratio of the outside to inside exposure rates or outside to inside exposures.

PROTECTIVE CLOTHING-Clothing worn to prevent radioactive contaminant from contacting the skin. Usually, such clothing is put on before entry into a contaminated area and is removed when leaving the area via the change station.

PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT-Devices, such as masks, for the protection of personnel against radiation hazards.

RAD-Absorbed dose of radiation. For certain energies, 1 roentgen gives rise to about 1 rad absorbed dose in tissue.

RADIAC INSTRUMENTS-Devices used to measure radiation exposure rate or exposure.

RADIATION-The subatomic rays or particles emitted by radioactive contamination, such as gamma rays, alpha particles, and beta particles. Also referred to as nuclear radiation, ionizing radiation, and invisible radiation. In nonnuclear radiation is meant, the term is always used with an adjective; for example, thermal radiation and visible radiation.



RADIATION FIELD-The combined effect at a given point of all the gamma radiation reaching that point. (See EXPOSURE RATE.) Since gamma radiation travels some distance in air beyond the gamma-radiation source, the radiation field extends somewhat beyond the contaminated area.

RADIATION HAZARDS-Hazards to personnel caused by both (1) the initial nuclear radiations occurring in about the first minute following a nuclear-weapon burst and (2) the residual nuclear radiation from deposited fallout .

RADIATION MEASUREMENT-Measurement of radiation exposure rate at a point in air by a radiac instrument, or measurement of an exposure (the exposure rate accumulated over a given exposure time).

RADIATION SICKNESS-The physical condition resulting from a sufficiently large dose of gamma radiation. The first stage of illness can occur within a few minutes or a few hours after exposure. Symptoms are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. A latent period usually follows that may persist for a few days, a week, or more. The second stage of illness may last for several weeks, after which personnel will recover if the dose was not high enough to cause death.

RADIATION SOURCE-The radioactive elements emitting ionizing radiations. In this manual, fallout is the source considered.

RADIOACTIVE-Having the property of radioactivity. Emitting radiation.


RADIOACTIVE DECAY-The decrease with the passage of time of the radioactivity of contamination. The decay rate of the fission products resulting from a nuclear explosion is very rapid immediate y after burst, but very slow at later times.


RADIOACTIVE WASTE-Contaminated waste and debris. For purposes of this manual it generally means the contaminated materials removed by reclamation methods.

RADIOACTIVE-WASTE DISPOSAL-Removal or isolation of the contaminated waste and debris, in such a way that the limited radiation is not a hazard to personnel.

RADIOLOGICAL-Pertaining to the effects of radioactive elements, particularly the biological effects of nuclear radiations on personnel.

RADIOLOGICAL COUNTERMEA-SURES-An action taken to reduce the exposure of personnel to nuclear radiation and thereby, in general, to permit the use of an area at an earlier time after contaminating attack than would otherwise be possible. The term includes all preattack, attack, and postattack measures whose effectiveness in reducing personnel exposure can be expressed in terms of RN's and PF's. They consist of three types: reclamation, shielding, and adjustment of operating procedures.

RADIOLOGICAL DEFENSE-A system of all measures taken to minimize the biological effects of nuclear radiations on personnel and their operations.

RADIOLOGICAL RECOVERY-The measures and effort required to reclaim an installation following contaminating attack so that the essential functions can be recovered and the installation's mission can be resumed. (See RECOVERY EFFORT.)

RADIOLOGICAL SAFETY-The personnelprotection measures taken against the radiation hazards resulting from nuclear attack.

RADIOLOGICAL SITUATION-The situation existing at any time during and after contaminating attack with respect to fallout-area exposure rates, radiation hazards, personnel exposures, and operations.

RECLAMATION-Consists of radiological countermeasures that reduce radiation-field exposure rates (and thereby radiation hazards) by removing the radioactive contaminants from the area or by covering the contaminants. For example, firehosing removes the contaminant; earth filling covers it. (See DECONTAMINATION.)

RECLAMATION EFFECTIVENESS- Degree to which the exposure rates of a contaminated surface have been reduced. (See RN, RESIDUAL NUMBER.)

RECOVERY EFFORT-The postattack effort directed toward recovery of the staging area and vital area so that mission operations can be resumed. The effort may include debris removal, damage repair, reclamation, application of shielding, etc. (See RADIOLOGICAL RE-COVERY.)


RECOVERY PERSONNEL-Personnel assigned to do the recovery operations. These personnel may or may not be the same as those required for mission duties at the installation. However, they may be taken from among those installation personnel not required to perform the mission after recovery.


REM-Dose unit of biological effect, i.e., dose in reins = RBE x dose in rads.

RESIDUAL NUCLEAR RADIATION- Nuclear radiation, chiefly beta particles and gamma rays, which persists for some time after a nuclear (or atomic) explosion. The radiation is emitted mainly by the fission products and other bomb residues in the fallout, and to some extent by earth and water constituents, and other materials, in which radioactivity has been induced by the capture of neutrons.

RESIDUAL NUMBER (RN)-The measure of effectiveness of any countermeasure can be expressed in terms of a residual number (RN). The RN is defined as the ratio of the exposure rate after a countermeasure has been used to the exposure rate that would have existed if no countermeasures had been used.

RESIDUAL RADIATION-Nuclear radiations from fallout deposited on the installation. (See CONTAMINATION.)


ROENTGEN (r)-The unit of measurement used to express the radiation exposure as measured by a radiac instrument. An exposure of 1 roentgen, to a first order of approximation, produces a dose of 1 rad.

ROENTGENS PER HOUR (r/hr)-The unit of measurement used to express the rate of radiation exposure as measured by a radiac instrument.

Western Governors University

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