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The Summary of Care (fig. 12-3) contains a summation of relevant problems and medications that significantly affect the patient's health status. Properly maintained, the Summary of Care form aids healthcare providers by allowing them quick access to pertinent medical factors that may affect how they manage a patient's medical care. This form is a permanent part of the HREC.

Entries on the NAVMED 6150/20 should include significant medical and surgical conditions, allergies, untoward reactions to medication, and medications currently using or recently used. The Summary of Care form should be reviewed, and, if necessary, revised during the patient's visit. The NAVMED 6150/20 should also be reviewed during yearly verification and before HREC transfers.

The Summary of Care form is divided into five sections: significant health problems, hospitalization/ surgery, medical alert, medications, and health maintenance.

Significant health problems section: Enter only significant medical conditions in this section. Significant medical conditions include chronic diseases (such as hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, etc.) and acute recurrent illnesses (such as recurrent urinary tract infections, recurrent otitis media, recurrent bronchitis, etc.)

Hospitalization/surgery section: Enter significant surgical conditions. Include all procedures requiring general or regional anesthesia and any procedures likely to have a long-term effect on the patient's health status.

Medical alert section: Note any allergies and significant reactions to drugs in the medical alert section. Record also in this section relevant alcohol and tobacco use.

Medications section: Record all currently or recently used medications.

Medical maintenance section: This section of the NAVMED 6150/20 contains a variety of medical information. It contains health maintenance functions, such as mammograms, chest X-rays, EKGs, and pap smears. Enter the date of the health maintenance functions in pencil, so it can be updated. Include in this section occupational health surveillance activities, such

Table 12-2.-Patient Identification Data

Figure 12-3.-Summary of Care, NAVMED 6150/20.

as involvement in the Asbestos Program, the Hearing Conservation Program, or exposure to lead. Include also the following laboratory tests: blood type, G6PD, and sickle trait.

Western Governors University

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