power supply to the ac line voltage, isolates the ac line voltage from the load, and steps this voltage up or down to the desired level. A4. Filament voltage to the electron tubes. A5. Provides capability of developing two high-voltage outputs. ">

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A1. Transformer, rectifier, filter, regulator.
A2. To maintain a constant voltage to the load.
A3. It couples the power supply to the ac line voltage, isolates the ac line voltage from the load, and steps this voltage up or down to the desired level.
A4. Filament voltage to the electron tubes.
A5. Provides capability of developing two high-voltage outputs.
A6. Positive.
A7. Cutoff.
A8. Pulsating dc.
A9. Series.
A10. 60 hertz.
A11. Eavg = 0.318 X Emax.
A12. 120 hertz.
A13. 63.6 volts.
A14. The peak voltage is half that of a half-wave rectifier.
A15. The bridge rectifier can produce double the voltage with the same size transformer.
A16. Decrease - Capacitance is inversely proportional to XC.
A17. Capacitor.
A18. Parallel.
A19. High.
A20. Increase.
A21. Value of capacitance and load resistance.
A22. Good.
A23. Yes.
A24. Counter electro-motive force of the inductor.
A25. 1 to 20 henries.

A26. Decrease.
A27. Small.
A28. Expense.
A29. When ripple must be held at an absolute minimum.
A30. LC capacitor-input filter.
A31. Cost of the inductor and size of the inductor.
A32. Ac line voltage and a change in load resistance.
A33. Percent of regulator.
A34. 33.33%
A35. 0%.
A36. Variation.
A37. Series and shunt.
A38. Increase.
A39. Parallel.
A40. Variable resistor.
A41. Current regulation.
A42. Decrease.
A43. Safety precautions.
A44. Reduce the cost of manufacturing equipment.
A45. Visual and signal tracing.

Western Governors University

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