generator with the input signal. This provides a stationary waveform display. If the input signal and horizontal sweep generator are unsynchronized, the pattern tends to jitter, making observations difficult. The A TRIGGER controls at the lower right of the scope (figure 6-26) are used to control the stability of the oscilloscope CRT display. They are provided to permit you to select the source, polarity, and amplitude of the trigger signal. These controls, labeled A TRIGGER, LEVEL, SOURCE, and SLOPE, are described in the following paragraphs. ">

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The triggering and level controls are used to synchronize the sweep generator with the input signal. This provides a stationary waveform display. If the input signal and horizontal sweep generator are unsynchronized, the pattern tends to jitter, making observations difficult.

The A TRIGGER controls at the lower right of the scope (figure 6-26) are used to control the stability of the oscilloscope CRT display. They are provided to permit you to select the source, polarity, and amplitude of the trigger signal. These controls, labeled A TRIGGER, LEVEL, SOURCE, and SLOPE, are described in the following paragraphs.

Figure 6-26. - Components that control stability.

SOURCE Control

The SOURCE control allows you to select the appropriate source of triggering. You can select input signals from channel 1 or 2, the line (60 hertz), or an external input.


The LEVEL control allows you to select the amplitude point of the trigger signal at which the sweep is triggered. The SLOPE lets you select the negative or positive slope of the trigger signal at which the sweep is triggered.

The TRIGGER LEVEL (mounted with the TRIGGER SLOPE on some scopes) determines the voltage level required to trigger the sweep. For example, in the TRIGGER modes, the trigger is obtained from the signal to be displayed. The setting of the LEVEL control determines the amplitude point of the input waveform that will be displayed at the start of the sweep.

Figure 6-27 shows some of the displays for a channel that can be obtained for different TRIGGER LEVEL and TRIGGER SLOPE settings. The level is zero and the slope is positive in view A; view B also shows a zero level but a negative slope selection. View C shows the effects of a positive trigger level setting and positive trigger slope setting; view D displays a negative trigger level setting with a positive trigger slope setting. Views E and F have negative slope settings. The difference is that view E has a positive trigger level setting, whereas F has a negative trigger level setting.

Figure 6-27. - Effects of SLOPE and TRIGGER LEVEL controls.

In most scopes, an automatic function of the trigger circuitry allows a free-running trace without a trigger signal. However, when a trigger signal is applied, the circuit reverts to the triggered mode of operation and the sweep is no longer free running. This action provides a trace when no signal is applied.

Synchronization is also used to cause a free-running condition without a trigger signal. Synchronization is not the same as triggering. TRIGGERING refers to a specific action or event that initiates an operation. Without this event, the operation would not occur. In the case of the triggered sweep, the sweep will not be started until a trigger is applied. Each succeeding sweep must have a trigger before a sweep commences. SYNCHRONIZATION, however, means that an operation or event is brought into step with a second operation.

A sweep circuit that uses synchronization instead of triggering will cause a previously free-running sweep to be locked in step with the synchronizing signal. The TRIGGER LEVEL control setting can be increased until synchronization occurs; but, until that time, an unstable pattern will appear on the CRT face.


The COUPLING section allows you to select from four positions: AC, LF REJ, HF REJ, and DC. The AC position incorporates a coupling capacitor to block any dc component. The LF and HF REJ positions reject low- and high-frequency components, respectively. The DC position provides direct coupling to the trigger circuits. This is useful when you wish to view only the LF or HF component of a signal.


The TRIG MODE section in figure 6-28 allows for automatic triggering or normal triggering. In AUTO (automatic), the triggering will be free-running in the absence of a proper trigger input or will trigger on the input signal at frequencies above 20 hertz. In NORM (normal), the vertical channel input will trigger the sweep.

Figure 6-28. - Components to select triggering.


For the present, notice only that the HORIZ DISPLAY (horizontal display) in figure 6-29 can be controlled by the TIME/DIV switch. Other switches in this section will be explained later in this chapter.

Figure 6-29. - Components to select mode of horizontal deflection.


In figure 6-30, you can see the components used to calibrate the test probe on the scope. A 1-volt, 2-kilohertz square wave signal is provided for you to adjust the probe for an accurate square wave and to check the vertical gain of the scope. You adjust the probe with a screwdriver, as shown in the figure.

Figure 6-30. - Components to calibrate probe.


The oscilloscope you use may differ in some respects from the one just covered. Controls and circuits may be identified by different names. Many of the circuits will be designed differently. However, all the functions will be fundamentally the same. Before using an oscilloscope, you should carefully study the operator's manual that comes with it.


An oscilloscope can be used for several different types of measurements, such as time, phase, frequency, and amplitude of observed waveforms. Earlier in this chapter, you learned that the oscilloscope is most often used to study the shapes of waveforms when the performance of equipment is being checked. The patterns on the scope are compared with the signals that should appear at test points (according to the technical manual for the equipment under test). You can then determine if the equipment is operating according to peak performance standards.

Q.16 Oscilloscopes are used to measure what quantities? answer.gif (214 bytes)

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