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The AFRS was developed as a joint effort of all branches of the armed forces with the cooperation of the food industry. It consists of approximately 1,800




Figure 5-3.-Required information on a modified Food-Preparation Worksheet, NAVSUP Form 1090.

recipes and variations that have been tested and proven. The AFRS also contains the following:

Guidance cards with product usage and preparation information

Color photographs of finished products and some stages of preparation

How-to-do-it line drawings Standardized Recipes

All food should be prepared according to the recipes published in the AFRS or the recipes that have been approved by the food service officer. Recipes in the AFRS are printed on 5-inch by 8-inch colored cards.

The use of standardized recipes ensures high quality in food preparation. It also eliminates guesswork and prevents variations in quality and quantity. The use of exact amounts of the various ingredients produces accurate yields, prevents leftovers, and promotes food cost control. The food items needed for the day's menu are requisitioned from the bulk issue room storekeeper by the watch captain.

YIELD.- Each recipe in the AFRS is designed to yield 100 portions; however, the yield of some recipes is given in numbers or volume; for example, 2 pans, 8 loaves, and 6 1/2 gallons, depending upon the food to be prepared.

INGREDIENTS.- Ingredients are listed in the order used. The specific form or variety of each ingredient is indicated; for example:

Flour, general-purpose

Flour, bread

The shape, size, or form of an ingredient is specified; for example:

Ham. cooked, 1/2-inch cubes

Onions, dry, sliced

Nuts, unsalted, chopped

Temperatures of ingredients are specified in many recipes. Descriptive terms are also used; for example:

Egg whites (room temperature)

Liver, sliced, partially thawed Water, warm (110F)

MEASURES AND WEIGHTS.- Measures and weights are the exact amount of each ingredient needed for 100 portions. Amounts are listed parallel to the list of ingredients. Quantities of dry ingredients weighing more than 1/2 ounce usually are given as both weights and measures. Most liquid ingredients are measured, not weighed.

On the right side of the Measures column, a blank space has been reserved for inserting the actual amounts of ingredients needed to prepare the number of portions the individual galley needs. These quantities may be inserted in pencil directly on the recipe card and then changed as necessary.

METHOD.- Method describes how the ingredients are to be combined and cooked and represents the best accepted cooking procedures. For example, the method will describe the best way to sift dry ingredients together, to thicken a sauce, or to fold in beaten egg whites. Methods are standardized since the same terms are used wherever the same technique appears. The method contains directions for the most efficient order of work, and eliminating unnecessary tools and equipment and unnecessary steps in preparation.

The directions are stated in simple, clear terms for incorporating the ingredients. Each step begins with an action verb such as dissolve, divide, drain, sift, flatten, cover, pour, sprinkle, or bake. These words are the keys to proper procedures and should be closely followed. Included under method are specific details such as cooking time.

If certain ingredients are to be set aside for later use, this is so stated. For example, "Gradually add sugar, beat to light, firm peak. Set aside for use in step 6."

In a few instances, serving suggestions are included under method. For example, "Serve with lemon sauce (Recipe No. K-9) or, if desired, top with whipped cream (Recipe No. K-15)."

ABBREVIATIONS.- The basic abbreviations used in the AFRS are as follows:

NOTES.- Notes appearing below the recipe contain supplemental information such as possible substitutions for ingredients. Specific techniques are included to supplement information contained in the Method column; for example, "If a candy thermometer is not available, heat mixture in step 1 until it forms a soft ball in cold water." Serving tips also may be included as notes; for example, "If desired, top with whipped cream (Recipe No. K-15) before serving." "In step 3, if convection oven is used, bake at 350F for 20 to 25 minutes."

VARIATIONS.- Variations are included on many recipes. They describe different ways to prepare the product and constitute a major addition to the total number of recipes contained in the AFRS. Each variation is listed as a separate recipe in the index. For example, the recipe for yellow cake includes these variations: (1) banana-filled layer, (2) Boston cream pie, and (3) chocolate cream. The variations in this instance are named according to the principal ingredient that alters the basic recipe. In other recipes where different cooking techniques are used, these may determine the name of the variation.

Western Governors University

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