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The fact that official correspondence is originated implies that information is being requested or furnished. It follows that unless this information is properly disseminated, the mere origination of the correspondence accomplishes very little. Correspondence that requests a report does not produce the report unless the person responsible for its preparation receives the request.

The responsibility for the dissemination and proper handling of official correspondence is assigned to the administrative department of a mine shop. In many instances, an MN3 or an MN2 is assigned to this department. In the case of a small mine shop, the MN2 or the MN1 may even be the head of the administrative department. For that reason, it is essential that you, as


Figure 1-12.-Correspondence marking.


Figure 1-13.-Unclassified Mail Control Record (CNET-GEN 5216/3).

a Mineman, understand how to handle incoming and outgoing correspondence.

This section discusses incoming and outgoing correspondence and the Navy filing system.

Western Governors University

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