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Booster Tip and Ferrule Inspection

Inspection requirements for SMDC booster tips are as follows:

1. No damage, however slight, is permitted on SMDC or FCDC booster tips or skirted

ferrules. If any damage is observed, the SMDC or FCDC must be replaced. Shiny surfaces on booster tips are permitted. 2. If the ferrule is loose or partially swivels, the SMDC or FCDC must be replaced. This may be determined by holding the skirted ferrule and attempting to rotate it radially.

Detonating Cord Inspection Gauge Set

The SMDC or FCDC booster tip must be inspected for correct length and alignment (fig. 2-22). Use the detonating cord inspection gauge set, part number A51562680-1, in the following manner:

1. Use the correct size gauge for booster tip inspection.

Figure 2-22.- SMDC/ FCDC booster tip inspection.

2. Screw the detonating cord inspection gauge onto the fitting nut until the skirted ferrule bottoms in the gauge.

3. Place the flat surface of the bar against the recessed portion of the gauge. If the booster tip is too short, the bar will contact flats on both sides of the gauge. In this case, the SMDC or FCDC must be replaced.

4. Place the flat surface of the bar against the raised portion of the gauge. If the booster tip is too long, the bar will contact the tip and one side of the gauge. Again the SMDC or FCDC must be replaced.

5. Place the cylindrical end of the bar in the space between the gauge and the booster tip. If the booster tip is not concentric within 0.010-inch tolerance in radius, the bar will not pass completely around the booster tip. The SMDC or FCDC must be replaced.

6. If a condition exists that requires the SMDC or FCDC to be replaced, tag it as defective.

Booster Tip Repair

Repair of SMDC booster tips is limited to replacement of packings on the tips and replace-ment of a damaged seal (fig. 2-23.) The following instructions apply to the repair of booster tips:

1. Visually inspect the seal.

2. If it is damaged, remove the seal.

3. Use a clean cloth moistened with Nozel No. 18 solvent to clean the existing adhesive.

4. Apply a thin coat of RTV-102 adhesive to the inside diameter of the skirted ferrule. Ensure that the adhesive does not come in contact with the booster tip.

5. Install the seal on the tip.

6. Allow the tip to dry and reinstall the SMDC. Tighten the SMDC with your fingers to prevent stripping of the nut.

7. Tighten the SMDC or FCDC fitting nut to the proper torque in accordance with the MIMs and safety it with lockwire.

8. Quality assurance personnel will inspect all SMDC and FCDC fitting nut torquing and safetying.

Western Governors University

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