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The intent of this section is to acquaint you with the basic concepts and principles of project management and is NOT intended to be a reference but also to make you familiar with the contents of a project folder.

The project folder, or package, consists of nine individual project files. These files represent the project in paper format-a type of project history from start to finish.

File No. 1-General Information File

File No. 1 is the General Information File and contains the following information:

LEFT SIDE-The left side of the General Information File basically contains information authorizing the project. The file should have the following items:

Project scope sheet.

Tasking letter (fig. 1-12).

Project planning checklist.

Project package sign-off sheet.

RIGHT SIDE-The right side of the General Information File contains basic information relating to coordinating the project. The file should have the following items:

Project organization.

Deployment calendar.

Preconstruction conference notes.

Predeployment visit summary.

File No. 2-Correspondence File

File No. 2 is the Correspondence File and consists of the following items:

LEFT SIDE-The left side contains outgoing messages and correspondence.

RIGHT SIDE-The right side of the file contains incoming messages and correspondence.

Figure 1-12.-Project tasking letter.

File No. 3-Activity File

File No. 3, the Activity File, contains the following information:

LEFT SIDE-The left side contains the Construction Activity Summary Sheets of completed activities.

RIGHT SIDE-The right side of the file contains the following form sheets:

Master Activity Sheets.

Level II. A general schedule for each project prepared for the operations officer by the company. It contains a general schedule for each project and contains all of the major work elements and a schedule for each prime contractor or project manager based upon major work (fig. 1-13).

Level II Precedence Diagram.

Master Activity Summary Sheets (fig. 1-14).

Construction Activity Summary Sheets (fig. 1-15).

File No. 4-Network File

File No. 4 is the Network File. It contains the following information:

LEFT SIDE-The left side contains the following documents:

Computer printouts.

Level III is a detailed schedule fore each project, developed by the company selected as prime contractor and assisted by the companies selected as subcontractor. The Level III not only serves as stool in which the prime contractor and subcontractor manage their projects but it also provides important data, enabling the operations officer to redistribute or reschedule assignments and to arrange for extra personnel, equipment, or special training required for the task. Level III shows such details as crew sizes, material delivery dates, and periods where special tools/equipment will be required on the project.

Level III Precedence Diagram.

RIGHT SIDE-The right side of the Network File contains the following items:

Resource leveled plan for manpower and equipment.

Equipment requirement summary. File No. 5-Material File

File No. 5 is the Material File. It contains the following information:

LEFT SIDE-The left side contains the work sheets that you, as a project planner, must assemble. THe list includes the following items:

List of long lead items (fig. 1-16).

45-day material list.

Material transfer list.

Add-on/reorder justification forms.

Bill of Material/Material Takeoff Comparison Work Sheet (fig. 1-17).

Material Takeoff Work Sheet (fig. 1-18).

RIGHT SIDE-The right side of the Material File contains the Bill of Material (including all add-on/reorder BMs) supplied by the Naval Construction Regiment.

File No. 6-Quality Control File

File No. 6, the Quality Control File, contains the following information:

LEFT SIDE-The left side of this file contains various quality control forms and the field adjustment request.

RIGHT SIDE-The right side of the Quality Control File contains the daily quality control inspection report and the quality control plan.

File No. 7-Safety/Environmental File

File No. 7 is the Safety/Environmental File and consists of the following information:

LEFT SIDE-The left side of the Safety/ Environmental File contains the following items:

Required safety equipment.

*Standup safety lectures.

Safety reports.

Accident reports.

RIGHT SIDE-The right side of the Safety/ Environmental File contains the following:

Safety plan, which you must develop.

Highlighted EM 385.

Environmental plan (if applicable). File No. 8-Plans File

File No. 8 is the Plans File and contains the following information:

Figure 1-14.-Master Activity Summary Sheet.

LEFT SIDE-The left side contains the following planning documents:

Site layout. Shop drawings. Detailed slab layout drawings (if applicable). Rebar bending schedule.

RIGHT SIDE-The right side of the Plans File contains the actual project plans. Depending on thickness, plans should be either rolled or folded.

File No. 9-Specifications File

File No. 9 is the Specifications File; it contains the following information:

Figure 1-15.-Construction Activity Summary Sheet

LEFT SIDE-The left side of this File is reserved for technical data.

RIGHT SIDE-The right side of the Specifications File has highlighted project specifications.

Figure 1-16.-Long Lead Time Item Work Sheet.

Figure 1-17.-Bill of Material/Material Takeoff Comparison Work Sheet.

Figure 1-18.-Material Takeoff Work Sheet.

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