TM 10-3930-664-24 4. ASSEMBLE SPINE ASSEMBLY (63). a. Install manifold (78) onto spine assembly (63) using screws (79) and washers (80). b. Press bushing (77) into spine assembly (63). c. Press sleeve bushings (76) into spine tube. d. Install seal retainers (73) and seals (74) onto spine tube using screws (75). e. Attach lower wear pad (71) to spine assembly (63) using screws (72). f. Attach rear wear pad (67) to spine assembly (63) using screws (68) and washers (69, 70). g. Attach front wear pad (65) to spine assembly (63) using screws (66). h. Carefully slide spine assembly (63) onto sideshift bar (64). 5. INSTALL SPINE ASSEMBLY (63) AND CARRIER END PLATES (57). WARNING Spine assembly is heavy and awkward.        Enlist    the    help    of    an assistant  when  installing  to   prevent injury   to   personnel   and   damage   to components. a. Attach lifting sling to spine assembly (63). Connect to hoist and take up slack. b. Position spine assembly (63) onto carrier frame (33).  Install carrier end plates onto carrier frame using eight screws (61). c. Attach carrier end plates (57) to sideshift bar (58) using screws (59) and washers (60). 6. INSTALL WEAR PADS (53) AND SHIMS (54) ONTO CARRIER WELDMENT (62) USING SCREWS (55) AND SLOTTED STUDS (56). 4-115

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